Three Little Ladies Rabbitry, Jersey Wooly
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Rabbit Breeds - Mini Satin

Breed Facts

Breed Slogan

Shine of the Fancy
Together with Satins they are known as the "Team with the Sheen"

Showroom Varieties



Junior Weight: Minimum weight 2 pounds, not over 3.75 pounds
Senior Weight: 3.25 - 4.75, ideal weight 4 pounds


Mini Satins are a smaller rabbit known for their excellent fur quality and the sheen associated with the fur.

Coat Type

Mini Satins have Satin fur

General Personality

Mini Satins are generally known for their gentle temperament.

ARBA Schedule of Points

General Type....55




Breed History

Country of Orgin

United States


Ariel Hayes

Brief History of Mini Rex

Ariel Hayes of Troy, Michigan was the original breeder to try and "shrink" the Satin into a small breed. She bred her Satin's with Polish. By the time she discontinued the project she had the rabbits down to 4.5 pounds. She called the breed Satinettes.

Bob Pettit picked up the breed. He crossed his Satins with Netherland Dwarfs. Joining Pettit were Sue and Verle Castles. The Castles obtained the COD for the breed.Unfortunately they were unable to maintain the COD.

Jim Krahulec continued the breed development. He changed the name to Mini Satins. He also purchased the herd of the Castles. His presentations did not pass.

Leo Collins picked up the COD in 1999. In 2005 at the ARBA convention, the breed passed its 3rd showing. The breed was born. The only approved variety at the time was white.

Year of ARBA Acceptance


Conservation Status

Mini Satins are currently not at risk

Recommended Breeders

Breed Links

National Club

American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association
*Unofficial* Mini Satin Rabbit Club of America

Regional Clubs
Local/State Clubs