Three Little Ladies Rabbitry, Jersey Wooly
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Energizer Bunny

It keeps going, and going and going. Who can forget the slogan for the Energizer Bunny? This rabbit is only popular here in North America. The duracell bunnies have saturated other markets, leaving the Energizer bunny here.

                              Rabbits, Energizer Bunny

The Energizer Bunny is the spokeperson for Energizer batteries. He is a pink bunny, not sure of the genotype on that one, with blue sandles and sunglasses. He carries around a large marching band bass drum, and he keeps drumming and drumming and drumming… Generally he is placed into a situation with either another product or battery, and the Energizer Bunny is the only one still running in the end.

His exposure has not been limited to just the Energizer commercials. The Energizer Bunny has appeared on such shows as Cheers, The Tonight Show, Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons. His acting career has even extended on to the silver screen in Grumpy Old Men and Hot Shots, Part Deux.

Several celebrities have also joined The Energizer Bunny in his commercial. Making appearances have been Darth Vader, Wile E Coyote, Ted Nugent, Elvis, and King Kong.

Rob Usakowski
Three Little Ladies Rabbitry